Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Korean Pancake-First Attempt

I tried making Korean Pancake the other day,
well it's not a complicated dish so it was pretty easy to make
For anyone who doesn't know what Korean pancake is,
it is a Korean-style pancake which is a very popular appetizer or snack in Korea
which is also know as Pa-Jeon

it s a very easy dish to make
it's like making pancake,just add any vegetable that you like and fry it
in my case i use scallion and onion
well coz that's the only vegetable that i can find in the fridge...hahaha
anyway,i took a photo but it's not that flattering..hehe
it's not colourful but...it's ok lah for a first timer

See,it's ugly...but sure is yummy (masuk bakul angkat sendiri..LOL)


Thursday, December 22, 2011

Vote For Us - Digi Gila Smartphone Giveaway

I just join this contest by Digi & the prize is....jeng3
Samsung Galaxy Note
So i wanted you guys to vote for me coz i really want this prize
wakakaka,i sound so desperate huh
anyway,Click THIS LINK and vote for us
owh ya,i almost forgot
by us i mean me & my brother Fauzi
i team up with him to win this samsung galaxy note by Digi

So vote for us okie,any vote will be appreciated and i wanna start
 by saying Thank You from the bottom of my heart...chewah hahaha
anyway,don't forget to click THIS LINK & vote for us
& make sure you have a Facebook account coz you can only vote through facebook

While you're here,click the NUFFNANG AD okies

love you guys


Thursday, December 8, 2011

Anugerah Terindah By Aril

i'm not really a big fan of Malaysian song
but this song is pretty interesting
i love the video
it's so sad
but i love it
so that's why i wanna share it with all of you
tha song called 'Anugerah Terindah' sung by Aril A.F
sooo,enjoy the video peeps 

okey,this has nothing to do with the song but i still wanna share
i just bought some accessories online without realising that it was Pre-Order
after i made payment then i was told it was pre-order
huh...now i have to wait 2 weeks for that accessories
lamanya mo tunggu...huhu
ingatkan dpt pkai sd next week
i feel tertipu laaaah


Give Away Craz!!!

if you're thinking that i'm giving away something
coz i'm not

anyway,the reason that i'm blogging about this is that i 
notice how people(blogger) are eager to make contest or give away lately
okey,i understand that you want to make that contest and that's really not my problem
when you started going to one blogshop to another asking for sponsors...
now that's a problem to me coz you ask me to be a sponsor tooo!!
(by 'you' i mean who ever is making contest and asking for sponsors...got it)
aiyooo,if you want to make a contest
please..please..please,use your own money lah
well unless some is voluntarily sponsoring you without you asking for it

My point is,don't do contest or give away if you cannot afford to provide gifts for the winner
just because someone else is doing contest,
doesn't mean that you got to make one also
be creative,be yourself
if you want people read your blog,then blog about interesting topic
seriously,you don't have to listen to my advice 
i don't think anyone is reading my blog anyway


Monday, November 28, 2011

We Met SuJu & Wonder Girls

 i bet u guys are excited after reading the title right?haha,i'm just bluffing.The title has nothing to do with what i'm gonna blog about,it's just something that remind me of my day today.anyway,i went on a date today.with who?jeng3..with my lovely best friend Pris JZ...

i rarely go out on weekends but i'm so stress at home,that's why i have to get out of home to release all that extra tensionity..LOL..is that even a proper English word?naaah,who cares?

well,we started the day with breakfast,but i forgot to take picture laaah plak..but anyway,let me describe our food in words.i ate Roti Canai Telur Bawang + Bergedil,with Cincau Suam for beverage.Pris ate Soto Ayam,with Ice Lemon Tea for beverage.

We went for window shopping after that.first we went to Lot10,she was looking for baju kurung but we couldn't find it there.So,we went to Keningau Mall to look for the baju kurung but we were pretty occupied with something else.We went to the third floor & she said "let's look at the furniture".LOL,so we were there for quite some time.looking at the sofa,super-huge bed & the super-huge closet.after all the window shopping & not buying a single thing...oh i forgot,i did buy something at Watsons..hehe..we went to the bank before going to our last destination and that is The Pizza Hutzzs..haha,i took some picture while we were there

 Mushroom Soup

 i don't like the smell of the soup but it kinda delicious :p

 I wonder what Pris's looking at...

 Our food

 Pizza..not sure the exact name

 Grill Chicken Rice if  i'm not mistaken..hehe

We ate all the pizza,but we couldn't finish the Grill Chicken Rice.
it was so delicious but we're sooo full

We went home after that,it was a short meeting with her but i feel relieved that i went out with her.My stress just went away,thank you for spending the day with me Pris..wink wink


Sunday, November 13, 2011

Let's Cook!! : Pasta

This is what i cook just now
Pasta Carbonara with Sweet Leaf Ala Chef Sora Fazilah
An Italian Food with a touch of local vegetable
Sweet leaf is commonly known as Sayur Manis in Sabah
since i love Sayur Manis so much,i tried adding it to my Pasta Carbonara
and it actually turn out to be delicious :p

 Pasta Carbonara With Sweet Leaf Ala Chef Sora Fazilah

  Pasta Carbonara With Sweet Leaf Ala Chef Sora Fazilah

 Pasta Carbonara With Sweet Leaf Ala Chef Sora Fazilah

For anyone who doesn't know what Sayur manis is,see the picture below

Sweet Leaf or commonly known as Sayur Manis in Sabah
Picture taken at someone else's blog..sorry,hehe


Sunday, November 6, 2011

My New Project : Sky Pirate "Mini" Bunny Farm

After thinking really hard about this,i decided to start a mini Bunny farm
but i'm not alone in this btw,i ask my younger brother Nazrie to join me
he's the one that build the bunny's home
anyway,i took some photo so enjoy :)

 The Bunny's home in progress

Still in progress 

Naz is busy to complete the Bunny's home

One of the Bunny,i'm still thinking what to name them

 This Bunny looks like my cat Messi..hehe
This one is male,there's another one that looks like this but it's a female bunny

 This is the female black & white bunny
my mom said i should bought other colour but i like the bunny's colour

 they're eating

They're sooo cute ^_^

"What are you looking at?"

I showed Messi his "twins"...LOL
Messi was furious while looking at the Bunny

This is their view,a paddy field
There's 4 of the right now but hopefully their family will expand soon 
that's all for now i guess
i'll blog more about them in the future


Thursday, October 20, 2011

Quote Of The Day : 2

"Every great dream begins with a dreamer.Always remember,you have within you the strength,the patience and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world"


Sunday, October 16, 2011

Follow Me On Twitter ^_^

Whassup peeps,juz wanna update a few things that have been happening around this week.
i made a Twitter account,yey
Jakun btul..hikhikhik
i said to my self before(like 4-5 months before) that i would never ever 
gonna make a twitter account...
but i did it anyway..wakakaka

Anyways,follow me on -->TWITTER

And while your here,click the NUFFNANG ad okey
Coz i need those extra cash...hehe


Thursday, October 13, 2011

Proud To Be A Sabahan

I saw a video of a Sabahan Girl,auditioned for a show by MBC(a Korean Broadcasting Station) in the search for the next Asian pop star.Her name is Didi Moo & she is a part of a singing group/band called JADE Sisters which consist of 4 sisters..i mean real sisters.okeh,let's watch her audition video

Didi Moo audition at MBC

To be honest,i am proud of her.i'm proud that my people(chewah!) is capable of going abroad and show the world how talented they are.She's talented & she's a Sabahan yo!what made me really proud of her is the fact that she wore a traditional sabah outfit(i'm not sure which ethnic it belongs to) & she even dance the sumazau dance with the Jambatan Tamparuli song..how cool is that!!Didi Moo,i'm officially being your fan as of today.

Didi holding up her name card in Korean
Picture taken from  Sabahsongs

As a Sabahan people myself,i know that Sabah has many talented people in various field especially in terms of singing skills or talent.but to venture into Malaysian music industry is kinda hard coz i think there's still certain barrier between Sabah & other people in Malaysia.i'm not being racist or anything but it's kinda true.Sabah has many talented singer out there but how many of them really achieve success nationally?It's the talent like Didi that we need to strengthen our music industry,not just some pretty face with an 'OK' voice.Malaysian people really need to value talent,not just pretty face or handsome face.if so,we wouldn't need to go that far to be recognize.

I respect her to wore a Sabah traditional outfit instead of going there looks like a K-POP artist.She stay true to herself & to her root as a Sabahan & she's not ashamed of showing a glimpse of Sabah's culture(i was talking about her sumazau dance).i mean whenever i saw 24:7 or Gula-gula,i feel like throwing stone at them or something.come on guys,be yourself.you don't need to be a K-pop/M-pop or whatever it is that you call,to be recognize as a singer.If i want a k-pop singer,there's like a bunch of Korean singer out there.You don't need to copy K-POP music or even be like them.You don't need to show your abs chest like a K-POP artist.You don't need to be sexy & act cute like a K-POP artist.JUST BE YOURSELF..that reminds me of a video by Matluthfi90..hehe

Anyway,let's support Didi Moo okeh.so before i end this post,let's watch her cover for 2NE1 LONELY

That's all for now
Peace.No War

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Rain Went To Military

Rain went to the military today,huhu..
Rain(29yr old) give a military salute to over 1,200 fans 
before walking into a boot camp in the city of Uijeongbu north of Seoul.


 Fans & reporter 

 Fans gathered in front of the military base entrance to say goodbye to Rain 

Anywho,hope to see Rain in 2-3yr from now
우리는 항상  사랑합니다
(we will always love you Rain )
hehe,translated that through google translate
blame it on google if it's wrong...LOL

Peace,No War

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Raya oh Raya!!!

Selamat Hari Raya everybody
i know it's kinda late,but i still wanna blog about it
anyway,how's your Raya?
Mine?i became a vampire this year,or half vampire
my right eye suddenly became red,urgh..hate it

Last year,my Hari Raya was worst
flu,really really heavy/bad flu (which one?)

Anyway,despite being a 'VAMPIRE'...i still went to have a 
blast jalan-jalan cari duit raya biskut on the third of Raya....yeyy
went to Ira's home with Pris,too bad Elon wasn't with us 
So basically,our "Raya Geng" is not complete

i dunno why we look so serious

Basically,we're taking picture with a bunch of people that i dunno
 I'm makin' the "you're blockin' ma face woman!!"
seriously,she was blocking my face

And finally,i'm smiling..despite being a 'VAMPIRE' of coz
notice the ring on my left finger?
i wore it on my right finger before,
until it kept poking the children's head every time they 'Salam & cium' my hand
hehe,sorry kids

Well,let's listen to Yuna's song Raya Oh Yeah

That's all for now
Owh yeah,i almost forget
it's supposed to be HAPPY MERDEKA RAYA Malaysia
Happy 54th Merdeka to Malaysia & also to all Malaysian regardless race or religion
let us all be united under on nation
I Love Malaysia & i most certainly Love Sabah,My one and only home


Monday, July 25, 2011

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Messi & me

juz wanna share this photo that i took with my cat recently
~Messi & Me~


Sunday, June 26, 2011

I love shoes

I started selling shoes at my shop.waaah..i luv luv luv the shoes,they're gorgeous...
actually i wanted to upload more stuff but my stock haven't arrive yet
soooo late,i'm starting to hate my supplier..huhu
anyway,here's some of the shoes...

 I personally love this one

this is a pre order shoes
so customer will only got the shoes in about 2 weeks
the price is very2 cheap compare to other shop
so it's worth waiting for 2 weeks for the shoes..hehe

so,for anyone who's interested with the shoes...there's more of them at Sora Stylista Shop
many more stuff will be updated at my shop
shawl,accessories & many more
well after my stock have arrive that is
so stay tune & visit my ONLINE SHOP okeh!!!

that's all for today


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