Thursday, December 8, 2011

Give Away Craz!!!

if you're thinking that i'm giving away something
coz i'm not

anyway,the reason that i'm blogging about this is that i 
notice how people(blogger) are eager to make contest or give away lately
okey,i understand that you want to make that contest and that's really not my problem
when you started going to one blogshop to another asking for sponsors...
now that's a problem to me coz you ask me to be a sponsor tooo!!
(by 'you' i mean who ever is making contest and asking for it)
aiyooo,if you want to make a contest
please..please..please,use your own money lah
well unless some is voluntarily sponsoring you without you asking for it

My point is,don't do contest or give away if you cannot afford to provide gifts for the winner
just because someone else is doing contest,
doesn't mean that you got to make one also
be creative,be yourself
if you want people read your blog,then blog about interesting topic
seriously,you don't have to listen to my advice 
i don't think anyone is reading my blog anyway


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