Thursday, December 22, 2011

Vote For Us - Digi Gila Smartphone Giveaway

I just join this contest by Digi & the prize is....jeng3
Samsung Galaxy Note
So i wanted you guys to vote for me coz i really want this prize
wakakaka,i sound so desperate huh
anyway,Click THIS LINK and vote for us
owh ya,i almost forgot
by us i mean me & my brother Fauzi
i team up with him to win this samsung galaxy note by Digi

So vote for us okie,any vote will be appreciated and i wanna start
 by saying Thank You from the bottom of my heart...chewah hahaha
anyway,don't forget to click THIS LINK & vote for us
& make sure you have a Facebook account coz you can only vote through facebook

While you're here,click the NUFFNANG AD okies

love you guys


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