Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Korean Pancake-First Attempt

I tried making Korean Pancake the other day,
well it's not a complicated dish so it was pretty easy to make
For anyone who doesn't know what Korean pancake is,
it is a Korean-style pancake which is a very popular appetizer or snack in Korea
which is also know as Pa-Jeon

it s a very easy dish to make
it's like making pancake,just add any vegetable that you like and fry it
in my case i use scallion and onion
well coz that's the only vegetable that i can find in the fridge...hahaha
anyway,i took a photo but it's not that flattering..hehe
it's not colourful but...it's ok lah for a first timer

See,it's ugly...but sure is yummy (masuk bakul angkat sendiri..LOL)


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