Thursday, October 13, 2011

Proud To Be A Sabahan

I saw a video of a Sabahan Girl,auditioned for a show by MBC(a Korean Broadcasting Station) in the search for the next Asian pop star.Her name is Didi Moo & she is a part of a singing group/band called JADE Sisters which consist of 4 sisters..i mean real sisters.okeh,let's watch her audition video

Didi Moo audition at MBC

To be honest,i am proud of her.i'm proud that my people(chewah!) is capable of going abroad and show the world how talented they are.She's talented & she's a Sabahan yo!what made me really proud of her is the fact that she wore a traditional sabah outfit(i'm not sure which ethnic it belongs to) & she even dance the sumazau dance with the Jambatan Tamparuli cool is that!!Didi Moo,i'm officially being your fan as of today.

Didi holding up her name card in Korean
Picture taken from  Sabahsongs

As a Sabahan people myself,i know that Sabah has many talented people in various field especially in terms of singing skills or talent.but to venture into Malaysian music industry is kinda hard coz i think there's still certain barrier between Sabah & other people in Malaysia.i'm not being racist or anything but it's kinda true.Sabah has many talented singer out there but how many of them really achieve success nationally?It's the talent like Didi that we need to strengthen our music industry,not just some pretty face with an 'OK' voice.Malaysian people really need to value talent,not just pretty face or handsome face.if so,we wouldn't need to go that far to be recognize.

I respect her to wore a Sabah traditional outfit instead of going there looks like a K-POP artist.She stay true to herself & to her root as a Sabahan & she's not ashamed of showing a glimpse of Sabah's culture(i was talking about her sumazau dance).i mean whenever i saw 24:7 or Gula-gula,i feel like throwing stone at them or something.come on guys,be don't need to be a K-pop/M-pop or whatever it is that you call,to be recognize as a singer.If i want a k-pop singer,there's like a bunch of Korean singer out there.You don't need to copy K-POP music or even be like them.You don't need to show your abs chest like a K-POP artist.You don't need to be sexy & act cute like a K-POP artist.JUST BE YOURSELF..that reminds me of a video by Matluthfi90..hehe

Anyway,let's support Didi Moo before i end this post,let's watch her cover for 2NE1 LONELY

That's all for now
Peace.No War

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