Saturday, January 12, 2013

Photo Of The Day #1

It's 2013 now,and this is my first post for this year.i haven't update my blog since...forever??
hahaha,my blog bekarat sd.anyway,i went to Kuala Penyu the other day and took some picture.not much,but i wanna share it anyway.i was hoping we'd go to the beach,but everybody was so focus on fishing that we didn't have enough time to go there..huhu

anyway,i'm just gonna share a few picture that i took along the way  and at Kuala Penyu as well.just a few..hehe

This photo was taken somewhere at Jalan Kimanis

This is where they "park" the boat

i love this place...though it's tiring to reach towards the end,all of the tiredness gone when i saw the view.
you can see Pulau Tiga from here.

i didin't place the "siput",it's been like this even before i took this picture.actually there's a small crab inside it,but it went inside every time i come near it..hehe

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