Thursday, January 17, 2013

Outing with Elon and Pris

I went out today with my friend,Elon and Pris.
it's been a long time since the three of us went since Elon is in town,we went out to 
have dinner together.we ate at Pasar Malam,precisely at 'gerai'.coz elon wants to eat bakso..hehe
but i forgot to take picture,maybe coz i was so busy chatting with them.
after that,we went to Mazuin and then to Keningau Mall.
Our last location is at Honey Sweet,just "lepak2" there chitchat more with them

i drank Cappuccino

 Drink in style with my new Kimono Cardigan,i make it btw..just sayin',hehe

Elon and Pris,my bestfriend since form 6

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