Thursday, April 21, 2011

Strangers, again [by Wong Fu Productions]

I saw the teaser for this video the other day on youtube and i really wanna see the video.Finally,the video is out!!!

This video is about how strangers become close and end up being strangers's doesn't happen to couple only but i think it does happen to a lot of marriage couple also.The stages in this video makes sense coz it happen to a lot of people..

Stage 1 : The Meeting
Stage 2 :The Chase
Stage 3 :The Honeymoon
Stage 4 :Comfortable
Stage 5 :Tolerance
Stage 6 :Downhill
Stage 7 :Breaking Up

This is what the guy say to the girl towards the end of this video...
"I think that if life separates us and we end up in totally different places,always remember when our past the life in this period of time(the highlight words is where i'm not sure weather it's right or not coz i couldn't hear the right word properly).and i'll be thankful for that and hope that where ever you are,you'll be thankful too.and i think that's the best we could wish for"

What i love about this video is that it's short but you understand the whole story.It's like watching a drama or movie on TV but it's shorter.Thumbs up for Wong Fu production for this video..

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