Saturday, April 23, 2011

I Heart Messi

You bet i'm talking about Lionel Messi right..

But the Messi i was talking about is my lovely cat,his name is Messi..ngehehe

People always ask the same question whenever they saw this cat at my house,'why named him Messi?'.Well,he was born some time during world cup and i kept thinking about Lionel Messi at that time.I'm not really a big2 fan of football(though i watch football sometime),but i'm kinda rooting for Argentina at that time so i decided to named my new born cat as Messi...

Messi sleeping...Zzzzz

Messi sleeping again...Zzzzz

Messi is my first ever black+white cat,he's a very naughty cat & he also likes to sleep.He spend most of his time sleeping.There's one time when i go out,i saw  him sleeping on the couch.when i get back at the afternoon,he's still there at the same spot..sleeping!!!huahuahua

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