Thursday, April 21, 2011

10 Things I Like About Him

1. he's a very nice & kind guy.

2. His voice is so relaxing

3. He's very 'Peka'(i dunno how to explain that word in English..hukhukhuk) & thorough about his surrounding and also about the people around him.

4. He's caring.

5. He's knowledgeable especially in terms of religious matter.

6. i love the way he explain things or situation to me coz he use example in a way that i never think of.

7. He's funny

8. He thought me and remind me about a lot of things.

9. What come to a surprise to me is that he told me everything about him and his family while i'm still kinda holding back about telling him everything about me.(confusing isn't it?hehe)

10. lastly,he's a unique guy coz i never met or knew someone like him...

Who is he?he's someone that i knew for a brief moment but i'm gonna remember him forever.Seriously,i can go on for like 10 more reason why i like him but i guess 10 is enough for now.

Shut..!after writing all of this i realise that i am not over this guy.aaargh,demmmmmm!!!

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