Tuesday, October 19, 2010

It's so damn hot...!

I went to the town today and it was so damn hot.the weather nowadays is just too much and i really hate it.I live in Keningau-Sabah and it used to be warm here,not extremely hot.I miss the old weather...hurhurhur

It used to be all green in Keningau(green with natural trees),now everywhere you look..there will be palm trees and building everywhere.Don't get me wrong,i know all of that is for development but if everybody is so eager to develop this town...what will happen to our environment?Seriously,i'm so concern about this matter.

Palm trees everywhere

There's a river near my house called Pegalan River or Sungai Pegalan as we call it.
When i look at the Pegalan River,it's not as clean & as beautiful as it used to be years ago.I remember taking bath and get water from Pegalan River for our everyday use coz the water is so clean(well that was when there's still no pipe water).my parents had taken a picture of me and my brother there while we were swimming and bathing(remember,we were still kids back then) and when i look at the picture,i kinda feel sad to see the difference between the colour of the river now and then.

This is not a picture of Pegalan River but i just want to say that Pegalan River used to be so clean,just like the river in the picture

The hills around keningau also change from beautiful natural trees to palm tress.No wonder the weather is getting hotter.Just thinking about it gets me headache.Everywhere i turn,it's all development.development here,development there.People are so eager to make money without thinking about the consequences.I just hope that there will be something left for the next generation and that these people realize there is more to life than making money..Peace No War.

~Zie Yong~

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