Thursday, October 14, 2010

Hmm.....What to do?

I don't remember how many times i told my self that i don't like my job.Seriously,i'm kinda bored doing the things that i don't like to do.It's suffering,boring and there's no excitement at all.Well,how can being a tailor be exciting.I'm blocked,my mind is blocked.I used to be the girl who have a lot of idea,now..i'm just a boring person with a boring job.I don't have anything against tailoring,it's just that it doesn't suit me.

Lately,i've been thinking about doing business.Not sure what kind of business yet but my main goal is that my plan will be execute before the end of the year.I really want this to happen according to my plan coz i haven't really achieve something that i can be proud of this year.For some reason,i'm kinda feeling a little bit down this year.Not really sure why........

Anyways,i have surveyed a few option and i found that on9 business is pretty successful these days especially on facebook.Maybe i will try doing business on facebook,or maybe i'm just gonna make business blog.

but i'm still on planning stage,choosing the option that i have.

One thing for sure,I will make it happen before the end of the year.I'm gonna do whatever it takes to do it and i really hope everythings gonna be easy for me.Well,i know it's not gonna be easy but what's wrong of saying that to make me feel better??LOL.............Peace No War

~Zie Yong~

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