Thursday, October 14, 2010

Something new.....

My day is just like any other days,boring....

Seriously,i just wanna go out there and experience the world.I wanna know the feeling of travelling around the world,taking photograph...when will i be able to do that...??????

i'm so angry at my self lately,well not just lately but for a while now.i'm angry coz i'm still the same even after i graduated from high school with an STPM result is pretty good but because of my health problem,i can't even go anywhere to further my study.I feel that the years of studying has been a waste of time and energy coz i can't go to university anyway.....

but i'm done reminiscing the past,what's done is done.i have my future ahead of me..

i wanna share something...i'm kinda obsess with Photography,my obsession/interest in photography began when i saw an article/interview about a Malaysian photographer named Soraya Yusof Talismail.ever since i saw the article about Soraya,i've been interested to know more about photography.Seeing her work actually inspired me to be a photographer.Then i saw Zhang Jingna's work,that's when i really2 wanna be a photographer.Soraya open my eyes to photography but Zhang Jingna make me wanna be a professional photographer.Her work is just amazing,i'm blown away by her work.

Soraya Yusof Talismail

Zhang Jingna

hmm,i don't know what my future gonna look like but i'm always gonna make my life better everyday.I may not be a successful person now but i might be one day.My motto is to strive till the end coz really,the sky is my limit and i will achieve my dreams no matter what it takes.LOL(lots of love NOT laugh out loud)...xoxo...
Peace No War.....

~Zie Yong~

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