Thursday, September 30, 2010

A Succesful Businesswoman...Died Tragically

I'm kinda shock when i heard about the murder of Datuk Sosilawati Lawiya and three others becouse it happaned in a sudden.It was a tragic murder.They were kidnapped,then beat to death,burned and their ashes were scattered along the river near the farm that their were killed.

According to the report,Sosilawati, 47, her driver Kamaruddin Shamsudin, 44, CIMB Kampung Baru officer Noorhisham Mohammad, 38, and lawyer Ahmad Kamil Abdul Karim, 32, were reported missing since August 30 after going to Banting, Selangor, for a land purchase matter.

Since then, 'Datuk',his brother and six plantation workers have been arrested in connection with the murder of cosmetic millionaire Datuk Sosilawati Lawiya and three others who went missing with her.

Well,several cases also been found related to this suspect and hopefully the murderer will be put behind bars soon.

By the way,i got to give credit to the Royal Malaysian Police to have uncovered this case in a short period of time.I know that the investigation is still ongoing but i really hope that they can finish this case so that the murderer can be convict...

My condolences to the family members of Datuk sosilawati,Kamaruddin Shamsudin,Noorhisham Mohammad and Ahmad Kamil Abdul Karim.May their soul rest in peace,Al-fatihah...

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