Monday, January 28, 2013

Photo Of The Day #2

I went to our "Kebun" the other day,it's been ages since 
i went there.The rubber tree was so tall,the last time i've been there the rubber
tree wasn't as tall as me.just imagine how long is that..hahaha

but i like it when i went there,coz it is the only time i can sweat so much.
which is awesome coz i hardly sweat at home,and it is unhealthy!!!
anyway,being me..of coz i took some picture.

 I don't know what it called in english,but local people 
called it "Lesun"

 Baby Pineapple,hehe

Sweet potato,inside the soil of coz..hehe

Pumpkin a.k.a Labu

Winter Melon a.k.a Kundur

Rubber Tree

Friday, January 18, 2013


i wanted to buy kimono Cardigan for so long,but it was so expensive.
i mean,for an average spender like me.Rm80++ is so expensive for a piece of outerwear.
so since i couldn't find a cheaper one,i decided to make it.
i have so many fabric,so i have no problems to find the material for the cardigan.
This is my first time making Kimono cardigan,i took about 3-4 hours making it.
since i couldn't find the pattern from google,i just went surfing for Kimono Cardigan picture.
so i just cut it the way i see it,just use my imagination..hehe
but i think i did okay for someone whom making it for the first time

Some of my inspiration

This is the fabric that i use,love the pattern

 cut my face..hehe

Messi my cat also in the picture

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Outing with Elon and Pris

I went out today with my friend,Elon and Pris.
it's been a long time since the three of us went since Elon is in town,we went out to 
have dinner together.we ate at Pasar Malam,precisely at 'gerai'.coz elon wants to eat bakso..hehe
but i forgot to take picture,maybe coz i was so busy chatting with them.
after that,we went to Mazuin and then to Keningau Mall.
Our last location is at Honey Sweet,just "lepak2" there chitchat more with them

i drank Cappuccino

 Drink in style with my new Kimono Cardigan,i make it btw..just sayin',hehe

Elon and Pris,my bestfriend since form 6

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Photo Of The Day #1

It's 2013 now,and this is my first post for this year.i haven't update my blog since...forever??
hahaha,my blog bekarat sd.anyway,i went to Kuala Penyu the other day and took some picture.not much,but i wanna share it anyway.i was hoping we'd go to the beach,but everybody was so focus on fishing that we didn't have enough time to go there..huhu

anyway,i'm just gonna share a few picture that i took along the way  and at Kuala Penyu as well.just a few..hehe

This photo was taken somewhere at Jalan Kimanis

This is where they "park" the boat

i love this place...though it's tiring to reach towards the end,all of the tiredness gone when i saw the view.
you can see Pulau Tiga from here.

i didin't place the "siput",it's been like this even before i took this picture.actually there's a small crab inside it,but it went inside every time i come near it..hehe


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