Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year 2011!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's been a while i didn't write anything,kinda busy lately.Busy with work,life & business.yeah,that's right..Business...finally having my own business,not mine alone but i'm partnering(is this a right word??) with a friend of mine..haha...i guess December's quite a good month for me...i've been talking about how 2010 is a bad year for me coz i haven't really achieve something that i can be proud of.

Tomorrow is 2011 already,wow...i'm actually kinda bit shocked by how time pass by so fast.HAPPY NEW YEAR 2011 to anyone who read this right now.i'm not really sure if there's anyone read my blog but i wanna say it anyway.A very special HAPPY RABBIT YEAR 2011 to anyone born under the Rabbit year,well including me coz i was born under the Rabbit year.hahaha,Next year we're gonna rule the world...muahahahahahaha(evil laugh)...hehe,just kidding.I can't even rule my 'kampong',how can i rule the whole world?????nonsense...
i'm actually thinking about my resolution,i'm trying to create one..or two..or more..but i have resolution every year but they never come true anyway.But one thing for sure,i want my business to succeed and make more money.yeah that's right,more and more,i sound so greedy.but i'm not that kind of person,what's wrong if i desire to generate more's not like i steal it or something...
It's 9.58 pm now,in about a couple of hours from now is gonna be,HAPPY NEW YEAR 2011 TO ALL THE PEOPLE IN THE WORLD.let's live in peace and harmony in 2011.let's just get along with each other,there's no need for hatred and violence.STOP WAR,SPREAD PEACE & LET'S JUST BE FRIENDS REGARDLESS OF RACE & RELIGION....
PEACE NO WAR.........
-Zie Yong-

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