Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Here comes December

December finally comes and it is officially the end of the year.Time really flies so fast,i didn't even realise that it's already the end of 2010.

2010 is kinda bad year for me,nothing good happen to me this year.For some reason,i'm hopping that December would bring me even a glimpse of luck coz i desperately need some...hurhurhur

Today is the 1st of December and a few weeks from now will be the year 2011.aaargh....i feel so down lately coz problems seems to follow me everywhere...

i hate this situation,i hate it so muuuuuuch.....

Right now,i really don't know what to do with my life....well,except for watching Fairy tail at Animax.......wuhuhuhu

i feel like i'm just saying stupid things for the last 10 minute so i think i'm gonna stop for now........

i guess this is the kinda things that i post when i'm totally meeeeee.....

~Zie Yong~

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