Saturday, January 8, 2011


I've been so busy lately...busy promoting Leng Lui Shop,busy with my work,life....aaaargh,i'm going crazy.I've been sleeping so late these past few weeks,i'm like an owl now.hahahaha.....

When will i be able to have a vacation????huhu,that's what happen when u have a business to's really2 hard to get a vacation,i'm dreaming of having an awesome vacation where i can indulge myself with having so much fun that i can forget my work for a while..huhu...i don't know when will that moment come...

Speaking of vacation,lately i was thinking about my favourite oversea case i wanna have a vacation outside Malaysia...hehe,don't know when will that ever gonna happen....ahaks
Since i'm a Korean drama fans,i'm thinking about going to Korea.Besides Korea,i am thinking also about Japan,China(i really wanted to go to the Great Wall of China),Hong Kong(my grandfather's hometown)....Other than that,i probably will go to 4 season country.I always wanted to see winter for some reason.hehehe....

Speaking of going oversea,i took the "which country do you belong" test at Facebook recently.Guess which country that i belong to????(drum roll.......)....CHINA...hehehe...since my grandfather is from Hong Kong,i guess i am belong in China after all.Hong Kong is in China...hehehe...i really wanted to learn Chinese language,coz i didn't go to Chinese father's been telling me to learn chinese language from my cousin but i haven't been able to find time to do so.but i picked up some chinese language lesson while watching Chinese drama.wo ai ni(everybody know this,who am i kidding...huhu),wei shen ma,zen me ban,zen me yang,pu ke neng,jia ren,fen shou,meng xiang,sha gua...hahahha, i don't even know if my spelling is right.

i've been thinking about something lately,WHY CAN'T A WOMAN  A  MAN JUST BE FRIENDS?WHY MUST A FRIENDSHIP BETWEEN A WOMAN & A MAN MUST END UP WITH...(see the pic below)

The reason i've been talking about this is because i have experience some weird moment recently.I don't know why but suddenly i've been having people from Morocco adding me as friends at facebook and there's this particular person that have been chatting with me at facebook.To be honest,i have no problem being friends with anybody but when that particular person is saying THE THREE WORDS(i u know what i mean,if u don't's 'i love u' lah idiot) just after chatting for 2 days...hmmmm,that is one hell of an awkward moment for,why is he suddenly saying that out of no where.come on lah dude,wtf are u saying.and what more awkward is that he wanted me to be his GF.LOL,what am i supposed to say.i am dead speechless at that time,huhu....

Anyway,enough of that.Right now,my first priority is business & career.I don't wanna look back behind me anymore,i'm going straight ahead & never look back.Expanding my business is my goal now & i wanted to be a photographer too.With so many things in my mind right now,i really don't have time for love or what so ever.....Hwiting
-Peace No War-

-Zie Yong-

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