Thursday, September 30, 2010

Life....Is it happen according to your plan?

What would you do if your life didn't turn out the way you plan or imegined?All of the things that you hoped for,disappear before your eyes.Some people may find it hard to deal with but there's nothing that you can do to change everything that happened.

Well,it happen to me.I have high hopes of my life.I wanted to be a succesful person both in personal and proffesional life.But,luck is just not by my side i guess.I feel frustrated,angry and sad at first but i try to hold on to my self.Be strong and find a way to be succesful in my own way.

But it kinda hard though Coz i don't have friends that understand me,my own family don't undertsand me.I feel like i'm all alone through my journey of life,that's why i need this blog to express my self.A diary seems a little cliche,besides...i'm not a teenager anymore,hehe..

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