Sunday, December 15, 2013

Hirunaka No Ryuusei (Daytime Shooting Star)

I've been reading "Hirunaka No Ryuusei" (Day Time Shooting Star) manga for the last 3 days now,seriously i've been trying to read the manga as slow as possible cause i don't want it to end so quickly.I thought i am reading it slow,but ended up finishing 56 chapter in 3 days.Though it's still an ongoing manga,who knows how long i have to wait for the next chapter to come out.Now i'm so depressed cause i want to know the next chapter!!!!damn it,i'm going crazy here...!

Anyway,i'll take all that time to read other manga.But still,I AM OBSESSED WITH THIS MANGA!!! lol,that's a bit exaggerated but i actually love this manga.The story is Omoshiroi (interesting)..okay,i'll just put the synopsis of the story (which i copy from mangahere by the way)

15-year-old country girl, Suzume Yosano, has to move to Tokyo to live with her uncle due to her father's transfer. She bumps into a mysterious man who ends up taking her to her uncle's place after she gets lost. Turns out, Suzume will be seeing him a lot more often once she starts school because... he's her homeroom teacher!?

Basically,the story is about the relationship between Yosano Suzume(main female character),Shishio Satsuki(main male character,also a teacher in this manga) & also Mamura Daiki(Main Male character,Suzume's classmate).Most fans are probably rooting for Mamura but i'm on Team Shishio since the very beginning.Probably because i kinda like Shioshio's personality,he's much more fun and cheeky compare to the serious Mamura.but seriously,Mamura is so hot every time he blush..LOL..

Shishio & Mamura

(Shishio called her Chunchun for some reason)

I like the character as much as i like the story,i thought it's interesting and also different at the same time.Though i haven't read many manga,this one catch my  interest as soon as i read it.considering the fact  that i get bored easily,especially when it comes to it's worth reading if you like this kind of manga,which involve romance and school life.

As i mention earlier,i like the character.Though the character on the manga are completely different from the original version that the author(Yamamori Mika) created,i laugh so hard when i read about it.seriously,the character in the manga is so much better than the original version.but i will talk about it more on the next post.

Anyway,see you guys on the next post.Peace.No.War

Saturday, December 14, 2013

It's December!!!

Salam and hellow,it's been a while i didn't update my blog.make it a month,yeah damn right.why?it's coz i didn't take any interesting photo for the past 1 month,and seriously...i can't believe it's already December,a few weeks from now it's gonna be feels like 2013 happen in just 2 days...

lol,i don't know if you guys realize it or not.but i don't really like to type that much,most of my blog post contains photo.well not that i don't like to type,it's just that i don't have many idea to type to :p

it's weird coz i used to be a really good writer back when i was still studying,maybe coz i don't read that much nowadays.

i remember when i was in my senior year at high school,we used to write like 3 to 4 piece of paper for a single question.and brainstorming was so easy to me,lol..i need to read more i guess,so that my hidden talent as a writer could be released..wakakaka,just kidding

anyway,these past month was not very productive.not much change,but i won't complain since i didn't work that hard anyway.i guess i'll try my best to change it,i don't know why but i feel so down lately.
i need something to motivate myself,but what???grrrr,feel so frustrated with myself sometimes :(

That's it for now,i'm gonna read Manga all day today...Sayonara :)

Saturday, November 2, 2013


I took a bunch of picture the other day,mostly sunset picture.i love taking picture,but i rarely got the chance to do so.

Anyway,i took these photo behind my's a paddy field by the way

Friday, September 13, 2013

It's Been A Long Time....

It's been forever since i update my blog,my laziness has worsen i guess...hahaha..anyway,not much happen since the last time i blog.still operating my online business,still doing things as usual.i guess the only thing that change are the fact that i watch more anime lately.

Actually i've been an anime fan since forever,but i got to blame Korean drama for making me forget about the joy of watching anime...hahaha..seriously i need to stop blaming something else for the things that i's me whom to be blame...LOL...korean drama is just some pathetic excuse..but i guess the reason i stop watching anime before was because i have no friends to share my interest towards anime.i remember when was still in secondary school,i was so in to dragonball but none of my friends actually watch that show.when dragonball ended,i started watching Naruto,which by the way the best anime yet.


Naruto Shippuden

I love love love this anime,watch the whole episode again the other day.all 220 episode,now i'm watching Naruto Shippuden.the continuation of Naruto series.still ongoing and currently on ep.330 and on top of that,i have so many anime that i want to watch.see for ur self..hehe

I have one more to add to my list of anime,"Gintama"...i just watch episode 1-2 last night and i couldn't stop laughing till it's crazy funny...right now i already download till ep.7,the whole series got 276 episode so i still got long way to go till i finish downloading..hehe

I'll try updating my blog as much as i can,but i guess sometimes i can't fight this thing call laziness...hahaha
Till next time,PEACE NO WAR

Monday, January 28, 2013

Photo Of The Day #2

I went to our "Kebun" the other day,it's been ages since 
i went there.The rubber tree was so tall,the last time i've been there the rubber
tree wasn't as tall as me.just imagine how long is that..hahaha

but i like it when i went there,coz it is the only time i can sweat so much.
which is awesome coz i hardly sweat at home,and it is unhealthy!!!
anyway,being me..of coz i took some picture.

 I don't know what it called in english,but local people 
called it "Lesun"

 Baby Pineapple,hehe

Sweet potato,inside the soil of coz..hehe

Pumpkin a.k.a Labu

Winter Melon a.k.a Kundur

Rubber Tree

Friday, January 18, 2013


i wanted to buy kimono Cardigan for so long,but it was so expensive.
i mean,for an average spender like me.Rm80++ is so expensive for a piece of outerwear.
so since i couldn't find a cheaper one,i decided to make it.
i have so many fabric,so i have no problems to find the material for the cardigan.
This is my first time making Kimono cardigan,i took about 3-4 hours making it.
since i couldn't find the pattern from google,i just went surfing for Kimono Cardigan picture.
so i just cut it the way i see it,just use my imagination..hehe
but i think i did okay for someone whom making it for the first time

Some of my inspiration

This is the fabric that i use,love the pattern

 cut my face..hehe

Messi my cat also in the picture

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Outing with Elon and Pris

I went out today with my friend,Elon and Pris.
it's been a long time since the three of us went since Elon is in town,we went out to 
have dinner together.we ate at Pasar Malam,precisely at 'gerai'.coz elon wants to eat bakso..hehe
but i forgot to take picture,maybe coz i was so busy chatting with them.
after that,we went to Mazuin and then to Keningau Mall.
Our last location is at Honey Sweet,just "lepak2" there chitchat more with them

i drank Cappuccino

 Drink in style with my new Kimono Cardigan,i make it btw..just sayin',hehe

Elon and Pris,my bestfriend since form 6


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