Saturday, December 14, 2013

It's December!!!

Salam and hellow,it's been a while i didn't update my blog.make it a month,yeah damn right.why?it's coz i didn't take any interesting photo for the past 1 month,and seriously...i can't believe it's already December,a few weeks from now it's gonna be feels like 2013 happen in just 2 days...

lol,i don't know if you guys realize it or not.but i don't really like to type that much,most of my blog post contains photo.well not that i don't like to type,it's just that i don't have many idea to type to :p

it's weird coz i used to be a really good writer back when i was still studying,maybe coz i don't read that much nowadays.

i remember when i was in my senior year at high school,we used to write like 3 to 4 piece of paper for a single question.and brainstorming was so easy to me,lol..i need to read more i guess,so that my hidden talent as a writer could be released..wakakaka,just kidding

anyway,these past month was not very productive.not much change,but i won't complain since i didn't work that hard anyway.i guess i'll try my best to change it,i don't know why but i feel so down lately.
i need something to motivate myself,but what???grrrr,feel so frustrated with myself sometimes :(

That's it for now,i'm gonna read Manga all day today...Sayonara :)

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