Friday, July 20, 2012

Lemiding-Sabah Traditional Vegetables

     What is lemiding?it's actually one of  sabahan traditional vegetable,well it's not only sabahan our that eats lemiding.Most Bornean eat it,it's actually really delicious.Usually lemiding grows wildly along the roadside or in the jungle.It kinda similar to pakis,but the young shoot of lemiding usually redish brown in colour.

    Anyway,my mom bought it for me last week when she was in Tambunan.she knew that i really love eating lemiding,that's why she bought it for me..LOVE you mom,hehe..and i've been eating lemiding everyday for the past week,everyday.i don't even get sick eating lemiding coz i really love it.Then my sweet and lovely younger brother picked more lemiding for me at the jungle near our "Kebun",so i have more lemiding to be eaten.waahaha,i feel so blessed thanks to my mom and brother Fauzi 



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