Thursday, September 30, 2010

A Succesful Businesswoman...Died Tragically

I'm kinda shock when i heard about the murder of Datuk Sosilawati Lawiya and three others becouse it happaned in a sudden.It was a tragic murder.They were kidnapped,then beat to death,burned and their ashes were scattered along the river near the farm that their were killed.

According to the report,Sosilawati, 47, her driver Kamaruddin Shamsudin, 44, CIMB Kampung Baru officer Noorhisham Mohammad, 38, and lawyer Ahmad Kamil Abdul Karim, 32, were reported missing since August 30 after going to Banting, Selangor, for a land purchase matter.

Since then, 'Datuk',his brother and six plantation workers have been arrested in connection with the murder of cosmetic millionaire Datuk Sosilawati Lawiya and three others who went missing with her.

Well,several cases also been found related to this suspect and hopefully the murderer will be put behind bars soon.

By the way,i got to give credit to the Royal Malaysian Police to have uncovered this case in a short period of time.I know that the investigation is still ongoing but i really hope that they can finish this case so that the murderer can be convict...

My condolences to the family members of Datuk sosilawati,Kamaruddin Shamsudin,Noorhisham Mohammad and Ahmad Kamil Abdul Karim.May their soul rest in peace,Al-fatihah...

Life....Is it happen according to your plan?

What would you do if your life didn't turn out the way you plan or imegined?All of the things that you hoped for,disappear before your eyes.Some people may find it hard to deal with but there's nothing that you can do to change everything that happened.

Well,it happen to me.I have high hopes of my life.I wanted to be a succesful person both in personal and proffesional life.But,luck is just not by my side i guess.I feel frustrated,angry and sad at first but i try to hold on to my self.Be strong and find a way to be succesful in my own way.

But it kinda hard though Coz i don't have friends that understand me,my own family don't undertsand me.I feel like i'm all alone through my journey of life,that's why i need this blog to express my self.A diary seems a little cliche,besides...i'm not a teenager anymore,hehe..

Sunday, September 26, 2010



PayBox is developing an online currency and payment processing service to make buying and selling online easier, more secure and available to everyone.

We're designing our service with the help of a dedicated group of EarlyBird users who are contributing ideas and feedback.

Stages of development planned to launch in 2011:
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Thursday, September 23, 2010

Maher Zain....So Inspiring

I first saw his video at Tv3,not really sure what show it is though.I saw the video at the time of ramadhan so i really feel the vibe of the song,by the way...the title of the song is Insya Allah.It was really inspiring song for me coz usually i don't really listen to islamic song but when i listen to Maher's song..i feel so calm..

It's good to have islamic song in english coz i rarely listen to malay song anyway,not that malay song is not good but somehow i just listen to english song more.Anyway,let's talk about Maher Zain more...

Well right now,i love this song 'Insya Allah' by him.I practicaly listen to this song everyday.I like the lyric so much,that's why i listen to this song everyday.His first album THANK YOU ALLAH is full with great song including Insya Allah.Anyway,for those who doesn't know who Maher Zain is...This is a little bit information about him...

Maher Zain was born on 1982 in Lebanon. His family moved to Sweden when Maher was only eight, where he continued his schooling. Maher got his first keyboard when he was only ten. He later entered university and got a Bachelors degree in Aeronautical Engineering.During his teenage years, he like to spend late nights at school with his friends where they would sing, rap, compose and experiment with music in every way.

After being involved for a while in the music scene as a music producer, Maher was introduced to RedOne, a music producer in the music scene in Sweden. Maher started working with RedOne and later moved to New York. In January 2009, Maher Zain began work on an album and signed with Awakening Records.He even work with Kat Deluna and among the song that become hits was 'Whine Up’ and ‘Run the Show’. Maher’s first musical inspiration came from his father, who was a singer himself, performing locally in the Mediterranean city of Tripoli, Lebanon.

That's a little bit info that i have about him.My only hope is that his song can inspire other people out there and that he continue to make more inspiring song in the future.This is Insya Allah video,enjoy and be inspired like me..Peace No War..


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