Friday, July 20, 2012

Lemiding-Sabah Traditional Vegetables

     What is lemiding?it's actually one of  sabahan traditional vegetable,well it's not only sabahan our that eats lemiding.Most Bornean eat it,it's actually really delicious.Usually lemiding grows wildly along the roadside or in the jungle.It kinda similar to pakis,but the young shoot of lemiding usually redish brown in colour.

    Anyway,my mom bought it for me last week when she was in Tambunan.she knew that i really love eating lemiding,that's why she bought it for me..LOVE you mom,hehe..and i've been eating lemiding everyday for the past week,everyday.i don't even get sick eating lemiding coz i really love it.Then my sweet and lovely younger brother picked more lemiding for me at the jungle near our "Kebun",so i have more lemiding to be eaten.waahaha,i feel so blessed thanks to my mom and brother Fauzi 



Thursday, July 19, 2012

Ulala Session + Psy = Funny Video

i discovered this video by Ulala Session on YouTube
it's Ulala Session Album Teaser video featuring Psy
seriously,Psy was hilarious "singing" Ulala Session's song
well it's no really singing,he was merely miming the song
but it's still funny
Psy expressions are so funny
anyway,just watch the video 


Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Oh My English??

      It's been a long time since i had written any post on my blog.the last 2 post is just plain picture..hehe..
so for this post,i decided to write something that i experience guys probably can guess what i'm gonna write just by seeing the title.

     Anyway,lately i have been questioning by a few of my customer.the question was,'why i call them SIS,when i'm not even a student anymore?'..okey since almost all of my customer is high school student,so they think that it's not right for me to call them SIS coz i'm older than them?

     For someone who pay attention in English class (-->and that would be me of coz),the word sister can either be older sister or younger sister.rarely people put longer word like that in a conversation.for example:
"This is my sister",it is rare that people would say "this is my older sister".by the way,i think it sound rude to say that.i don't know,maybe it's just me..huhu

    My point is,why is it wrong for me to call someone younger than me as sister??it didn't bother me at all if someone older than me calling me sister.i call my cousin SIS all the time and she's not even complaining,she's younger then me by the way.

    Seriously,i hate it when someone say i'm wrong when i'm not.i even explain thoroughly to that kid whom questioning me through sms.wasting my credit..

    wow,this is the longest post i ever written in a long time..hahaha
that's all for today i guess.Peace.No.War


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