Monday, November 28, 2011

We Met SuJu & Wonder Girls

 i bet u guys are excited after reading the title right?haha,i'm just bluffing.The title has nothing to do with what i'm gonna blog about,it's just something that remind me of my day today.anyway,i went on a date today.with who?jeng3..with my lovely best friend Pris JZ...

i rarely go out on weekends but i'm so stress at home,that's why i have to get out of home to release all that extra that even a proper English word?naaah,who cares?

well,we started the day with breakfast,but i forgot to take picture laaah plak..but anyway,let me describe our food in words.i ate Roti Canai Telur Bawang + Bergedil,with Cincau Suam for beverage.Pris ate Soto Ayam,with Ice Lemon Tea for beverage.

We went for window shopping after that.first we went to Lot10,she was looking for baju kurung but we couldn't find it there.So,we went to Keningau Mall to look for the baju kurung but we were pretty occupied with something else.We went to the third floor & she said "let's look at the furniture".LOL,so we were there for quite some time.looking at the sofa,super-huge bed & the super-huge closet.after all the window shopping & not buying a single thing...oh i forgot,i did buy something at Watsons..hehe..we went to the bank before going to our last destination and that is The Pizza Hutzzs..haha,i took some picture while we were there

 Mushroom Soup

 i don't like the smell of the soup but it kinda delicious :p

 I wonder what Pris's looking at...

 Our food

 Pizza..not sure the exact name

 Grill Chicken Rice if  i'm not mistaken..hehe

We ate all the pizza,but we couldn't finish the Grill Chicken Rice.
it was so delicious but we're sooo full

We went home after that,it was a short meeting with her but i feel relieved that i went out with her.My stress just went away,thank you for spending the day with me Pris..wink wink


Sunday, November 13, 2011

Let's Cook!! : Pasta

This is what i cook just now
Pasta Carbonara with Sweet Leaf Ala Chef Sora Fazilah
An Italian Food with a touch of local vegetable
Sweet leaf is commonly known as Sayur Manis in Sabah
since i love Sayur Manis so much,i tried adding it to my Pasta Carbonara
and it actually turn out to be delicious :p

 Pasta Carbonara With Sweet Leaf Ala Chef Sora Fazilah

  Pasta Carbonara With Sweet Leaf Ala Chef Sora Fazilah

 Pasta Carbonara With Sweet Leaf Ala Chef Sora Fazilah

For anyone who doesn't know what Sayur manis is,see the picture below

Sweet Leaf or commonly known as Sayur Manis in Sabah
Picture taken at someone else's blog..sorry,hehe


Sunday, November 6, 2011

My New Project : Sky Pirate "Mini" Bunny Farm

After thinking really hard about this,i decided to start a mini Bunny farm
but i'm not alone in this btw,i ask my younger brother Nazrie to join me
he's the one that build the bunny's home
anyway,i took some photo so enjoy :)

 The Bunny's home in progress

Still in progress 

Naz is busy to complete the Bunny's home

One of the Bunny,i'm still thinking what to name them

 This Bunny looks like my cat Messi..hehe
This one is male,there's another one that looks like this but it's a female bunny

 This is the female black & white bunny
my mom said i should bought other colour but i like the bunny's colour

 they're eating

They're sooo cute ^_^

"What are you looking at?"

I showed Messi his "twins"...LOL
Messi was furious while looking at the Bunny

This is their view,a paddy field
There's 4 of the right now but hopefully their family will expand soon 
that's all for now i guess
i'll blog more about them in the future



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