Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Incapable Or Lazy?

okeh,i was eating with my friend Ila at KFC when suddenly an old man put a piece of paper at our table.I was shocked a bit coz he juz popped out of no where,imagine i was eating & talking at the same time & he juz put the paper there without warning..

then i read the paper,okeh...to summarize the content,it says that the person that were mention in that piece of paper is supposedly 'INCAPABLE OF WORKING' for somewhat reason that i already forgotten about & because of that...people supposed to give him money..what??!!

i assume the person that were mention in that letter was him i guess coz when i asked that old man for whom that money will be given to..he ignore me,what the f@*%...eksyen btul,then he left after my friend give him RM10.He went from table to table,asking for money...

that made me think of something..if he really is INCAPABLE OF WORKING,why is he walking around town in a sunny hot day asking people for money?isn't it juz as same as working?i mean the tiredness that he get from walking all day asking for money?to my understanding,it's juz an easy way to get money..without actually doing work,or simply called as "MENGEMIS"..

i mean i get it,that he's old but i know many old people who still work to this day.The closest example is my grandmother & my grandfather,they still 'potong getah' to this day.not because they don't have money but because they like working & their used to be working since they were young.

Then i tell my dad about it and my dad said that it's juz a scam did by LAZY people who juz doesn't wanna work their butt off(forgive me for using a harsh words,i'm juz geram with that kind of people).

Morale of the story is,don't be lazy & work work work hard.Hard work pays off in the future bebeh!!

so don't be lazy & let's work sampai dpt duit berjuta2 lemon bebeh!!& to all daydreamer yg mo jadi billionaire tapi tak mo kerja tu,terimalah lagu Billionaire dari Travie McCoy ft Bruno Mars ni..*_*

teda sepa yg boleh jadi billion-air kalau x keja,unless you have a dead rich Grandfather or a dead rich uncle that you didn't know of...LOL

Work Hard for the better future so that we can all be rich bebeh!!


Sunday, May 22, 2011

Random But Not So Awesome..*_*

okeh..i've been busy lately..thinking,about a lot of things.too many things goin' on in my head,i'm a mess..huh!
blog pn lma x update & i'm mixing Malay with English now.
well it's 2.47am & malas pla mo pikir2 too much
anyways,have u seen the new video from Bruno Mars?yg The Lazy Song
i watch the vid and I LUV IT bebeh!!
Watch it here bebeh!
it was hilariously creative
& it kinda remind me Ok Go 
hmm,weird huh

because i was so inspired by The Lazy Song
i am being annoyingly lazy this weekend
coz i will be extremely busy next week!!
that's why i'm kinda taking 2 days of...

okeh bebeh!
why am i saying bebeh too much?
let me summarize my activity for next week
1.finding items & ordering them for my shop,which is Sora Stylista Shop
2.Sew my Baju Kurung ,or else i won't have any dress to wear to Ira's wedding
3.buying present for Ira
4.Paying bills
5.Ira's wedding on saturday 28th 
& a lot more
wah..Syukur coz i have so many things to do
Why am i bersyukur that i'm sooo busy?coz SOMEONE had told me before that we must be thankful @ bersyukur that we are busy doing work coz a lot more people out there sedih coz they have no job.
So bersyukur lh people that you have job to do okeh..

so i am ouda here bebeh
need to sleep
nak bangun solat subuh
kita solat sama2 okeh bebeh
aiyoo..too many bebeh


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