Tuesday, June 29, 2010

The Begining..

yeah i have a blog,finally..hehe,actually this is not the first time i own a blog.I have one before but because i don't have time to manage it,i just leave like that and eventually i forgot the password.
Basically,this blog is gonna be about me,what i thought,the things that happen around me & maybe a little bit of a current issue.
My name is NFZ @ Ayong @ Zie....I live in a town call Keningau which located in Sabah,Malaysia and precisely in Borneo Island.Sabah is one of the most beautiful state in Malaysia and i love living in Sabah.
I have a simple life,not much interesting going on around me but i love my life...well at least i try to love my life..hehe..I have a deep passion towards PHOTOGRAPHY and i wanted to be a professional photographer someday.I like listening to music and watching movies.I also enjoy reading and travelling.
Well,i guess that's all i wanted to say for now...until next time then..;p

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