Friday, September 13, 2013

It's Been A Long Time....

It's been forever since i update my blog,my laziness has worsen i guess...hahaha..anyway,not much happen since the last time i blog.still operating my online business,still doing things as usual.i guess the only thing that change are the fact that i watch more anime lately.

Actually i've been an anime fan since forever,but i got to blame Korean drama for making me forget about the joy of watching anime...hahaha..seriously i need to stop blaming something else for the things that i's me whom to be blame...LOL...korean drama is just some pathetic excuse..but i guess the reason i stop watching anime before was because i have no friends to share my interest towards anime.i remember when was still in secondary school,i was so in to dragonball but none of my friends actually watch that show.when dragonball ended,i started watching Naruto,which by the way the best anime yet.


Naruto Shippuden

I love love love this anime,watch the whole episode again the other day.all 220 episode,now i'm watching Naruto Shippuden.the continuation of Naruto series.still ongoing and currently on ep.330 and on top of that,i have so many anime that i want to watch.see for ur self..hehe

I have one more to add to my list of anime,"Gintama"...i just watch episode 1-2 last night and i couldn't stop laughing till it's crazy funny...right now i already download till ep.7,the whole series got 276 episode so i still got long way to go till i finish downloading..hehe

I'll try updating my blog as much as i can,but i guess sometimes i can't fight this thing call laziness...hahaha
Till next time,PEACE NO WAR


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